Women in Technology
At EVOTEK, we believe that a diverse workforce is a stronger workforce and that gender parity in tech can be a reality. That is why we established a scholarship to provide support for women to join the tech industry. Through this platform we seek to honor women in technology that have paved the way for upcoming talent.
Support Women in Tech
Scholarship programs not only support continuing the expanse in technology but make a direct impact in the communities by helping deserving students afford higher education. If you would like more information please email info@evotekgivingfoundaintion.org

Kathleen Mito Scholarship
Our first scholarship was established in honor of the tenacious, kind, humble, and funny Kathleen Mita, to recognize her heroic force and meaningful work throughout the IT industry. Kathleen invested in relationships and cultivated a vast and meaningful network of colleagues and customers that became lifelong friends.