A Different Kind of Company

This morning I was reflecting on our Sales Kickoff and mentally recapping some of the highlights: Mandatory meetings to recap last year and kick off this year? Check. Spending time with vendors who support us and get to know them better? Check. Free flowing beverages? Check. Party with coworkers and significant others? Check. Significant others? […]
The True Meaning of Private Equity Buying up Value Added Reseller’s

Considering the current trend of Private Equity snatching up Value Added Resellers, I thought I would share my opinion on what this means for companies being purchased, their employees, and their customers. Let’s start with a question: Why does PE buy any asset? PE firms are able to identify undervalued assets. ‘Undervalued’ can mean the sum of the […]
I Climbed the Ladder to Find it was Against the Wrong Wall

July marks my 1-year mark at EVOTEK. It’s apropos that I came across this article, “Why Good People Leave Large Tech Companies.” This article exposes some of the differences between a founding CEO running a large company…and a large company CEO running a grown up start-up; and how culture can be destroyed if mishandled. I liked […]

I was talking with my wife the other morning, in preparation for a presentation I was asked to deliver at the California Tech Conference. She reminded me of that cliché that I am sure you all have heard, “it’s not like we are saving lives!” She then said, she didn’t agree with that. “Leadership does save lives,” […]
Can moving to a new next-gen firewall be… easy enough?

As someone who loves to tinker and learn new things, once in a while I’d like to challenge myself with something that I know will present some interesting problems. The process of resolving those issues is something that makes me a better asset to my customers, as well as a better engineer. Who better to […]
The Spark of Innovation

This week was one of those weeks where I had the opportunity to witness one of the most personally rewarding things in my job and the greatest reason that I do what I do – I saw that spark that lit up my customer’s world. We were sharing a narrative of how we could go about […]
What gets measured gets done!

One of the most important activities I like to take my teams through is planning or once called victory planning (thanks Jay Tyler). For those of you that know me or worked with me will understand…..for those of you that haven’t, I will share a few ideas. The planning process is a minimum full day exercise, bottoms […]
The Rise of the Machine Learning Solutions

Heading into Aruba Atmosphere this year I was most excited to see Aruba’s new Niara solution in action and learn more about this product as it solves a very real need in every network. Inherently any network policy grants some sort of access to the network and users are free to work within the confines of that […]
The Time of My Life

I just received my partner watch as a gift from the existing partners of EVOTEK. What an honor to receive such beautiful timepiece; and to be officially welcomed into this great company. The Panerai is a symbol and acknowledgment that each of us could be doing something else, but choose to spend our time at EVOTEK. We […]
Five Best Practices for Creating Meaningful Mobile Engagement

Engaging customers via their mobile devices is an exciting proposition for many organizations; however, it has to be done with care. These solutions often carry a significant cost and depend on a Return on Investment (ROI) model to make sense. Achieving this ROI requires walking a fine line between meaningful engagement and being a nuisance. […]