Where Should You Start with Data Center Automation?

TEKnically Speaking – Automation, Part 1 When discussing automation in the data center, you can expect to hear any number of mixed responses. Some have “been there, done that” with a modicum of success. Others have automated every piece of their workflow, down to the last detail. More often than not, however, IT professionals are […]
Welcome to TEKnically Speaking

In EVOTEK’s new quarterly TEKnically Speaking Series, we’ll feature a notable industry topic and explore its challenges, opportunities, trends, and insights through bi-weekly expert blogs, a complimentary webinar, and a deep-diving Lab Report. This first installment focuses on AUTOMATION… The Automation Journey Automation is one of the most pressing issues for today’s IT leaders. As […]
Remediation Steps for SolarWinds Orion

It’s no secret that recent headlines have consistently featured cyber-attacks on a variety of companies and industries. Last week’s FireEye breach was significant and represents what appears to be nation-state activity targeting our infrastructure using supply-chain attack(s). By-product(s) of this attack are surfacing with each passing day. Yesterday – one of these by-products, affecting the […]
Why Time Impacts Performance

It may be obvious that gaining access to cutting-edge technologies faster would improve the performance of your hardware and software, but what may be less obvious is how this accelerated access can help you set your business up for success. The Changing Role of Technology in the Workplace We’ve noticed a shift in how companies […]
White-Glove Service – Why it Matters Now More than Ever

In a world where innovation is measured in months, not years, providing superior customer service is more important than ever before. You need to know that you are getting a truly custom solution designed to meet your needs and the support necessary to keep things running smoothly. Our customers know that when they choose to […]
What is Resiliency During A Pandemic?

Thinking of resilience by its classic definitions; the ability to bounce back quickly, toughness, capacity to recover quickly, it is no wonder that this pandemic has tested all organizations. This comes from both the initial preparedness issues and the endurance issues from things stretching on for several months. The sudden pivot to remote work at […]
Toward a More Modern Security Architecture

We are blessed to live in interesting times. CISOs today are witnessing unprecedented change within their security programs, the techniques and tooling employed by the adversaries we confront, and the evolution of our security architectures. Historically, security architectures overwhelming focused on point solutions primarily related to network perimeter and endpoint defenses. Too frequently, however, these […]
Leadership is Protecting People and Culture During Challenging Times

I started EVOTEK partially because I believed there was a better way to support customers. And partially, I was amazed to see business owners in this industry who used their company (and people) as an ATM to support their own expensive habits of buying yachts, airplanes, and wineries. These were my reasons in good times. But what […]
Slow Down to Speed Up: Why a Security Program Assessment is Key to Surviving a Crisis

When I was a research director working with Gartner’s security and risk management practice, as part of the analyst role I had the opportunity to speak with numerous CISOs and other security and risk management leaders from around the globe. Whether these leaders were from Europe, Australia, Asia, Latin America, Canada, or here in the […]
Protecting our People and our Community

EVOTEK has discouraged all non-essential travel for employees. There are no expected impacts to EVOTEK’s ability to support our customers. All conference attendance has been suspended. A business continuance pandemic task force created to assist employees, customers and partners. Business continuance plans have been requested from our OEM’s to share with our customers. EVOTEK is […]